We offer a strategic approach to SEL program design, implementation, and training. Our full range of services include:
• Key Warning Signs for Early-Onset Mental Illness in Children & Adolescents and Suicide Prevention Best Practices
• Understanding and Practicing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in the school.
​• Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A Paradigm Shift in How We Teach
​• Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Strategies for Teaching Hope and Resilience
• Decreasing Anxiety in the Classroom: A Guide for Educators
• Restorative Practices for Educators, School Resource Officers
• De-Escalating At-Risk Behaviors
• Communicating for Conflict Resolution
• Integrating SEL into Academics
• SEL and Culturally Responsive Classrooms
• Mindfulness and Adult SEL
• Classroom Management Routines and Procedures
• Crisis Intervention
• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
• Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
• Personalized Campus Training, Coaching and Support
• Consulting (phone, virtual, or in-person)
• Strengths and Needs Assessment
​• Research and Data (Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis) Statistical analysis provided to measure the outcomes of
your intervention​
• SEL program/curriculum development and implementation plan for any existing, new, or future program
​• SEL Lesson Plans (face-to-face, online, or hybrid). Individual or as a package
​• Interventions for Tiers I, II, and III
​• Training and workshops on SEL/Interpersonal Skills, Stress Management, and Human Relations Leadership and
Management. Training can be customized to meet the needs of the school/district. CEUs available with training.
​• Coaching
Tell us what you need, and we’ll design it, and so much more!